Saturday, September 20, 2008

Open Your Eyes News - Edition 29

If this is your first visit I would suggest that, after viewing the articles in this page, you click onto the "Blog Archive" on the right hand panel. Have a look at some of the previous editions too. That will give you a much fuller picture of what is happening than by simply reading what has happened in the last week.

Areas Covered Each Week:
Civil Liberties - Health - Environment - Democracy & International Relations - Economics - Science - The War on Terror - The Next War

Story of the Week: The Biggest Heist in History

Lehman Bros files for bankruptcy
Bank of America to buy Merrill Lynch for $50bn
AIG Gets Up to $85 Billion Loan From Fed as U.S. Takes Control
Fears of further financial casualties abound
The $1 trillion question: Will this gigantic bailout work?
In Edition 21, two months ago I wrote: The private banks that own the Federal Reserve & the Bank of England (amongst others) have manipulated a collapse that when finished will have great similarities to 1929 - numerous smaller banks going to the wall and their assets swallowed up on the cheap by the very banks that control the system and set up their over-extension in the first place (JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild etc) - and low and behold that is exactly what has come to pass. It is a simple game plan, it has been done numerous times before, and at the end of the day when you own the casino, make the rules, and fix the deck, then how can it fail? Also, ask yourself why Government's bail out failed banking organisations or buy their bad debt with taxpayers (in other word's your) money, and yet would never do that other companies that got themselves into a fix (e.g.: Rover, Enron, Worldcom) thus further enriching and therefore empowering the real rulers of the world. Think about motivations of the current owners of the the private banks that own the FED through the Federal Reserve Act 1913 - Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers, Israel Moses Sieff Bank, Warburgs, Kuhn Loeb Bank, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan (Controlled By the Rockefeller family). People think that a banking or stock market collapse must be bad for everybody, but it’s not. If you know a stock collapse is coming (because you are going to cause it) then you sell at the highest price, crash the market, and buy back at a few cents on the dollar - the ultimate short selling. In this way, those who cause the crash can end up with vastly more stock, and thus financial power, than they had before the ‘crisis’ and they pay comparatively little to secure it. It has been done before, most famously in 1929, and it will happen again. Scary as it might sound, this is the calm before the real storm. The US government, the most indebted government in history, has just promised to double its national debt to "kick start" the world economy. As with any debtor eventually the debts get called in and bankruptcy ensues (see article on China in the Finance & Economics section). In this case the whole scenario is being orchestrated also to "persuade" the American people to ditch the dollar and create a currency union with their NAFTA neighbours, something that in normal times the American people would never countenance. And all the while ask yourself where are all those trillions of dollars coming from, and going to? Somebody is making serious money here, and you can bet your last (soon to be worthless?) dollar it won't be Joe Public.

Gold price rises 10% as investors flee to safety
In Edition 17 at the end of June I said: You just watch that price go northwards as the economic turmoil continues, particularly when the US starts bombing Iran. - part one has already happened, part two is coming soon. I'm not an economist, I'm a historian, but all this has happened before, and will happen again.

U.S. House passes bill allowing offshore drilling
Environment? What environment?

How 6,700 Tons of Radioactive Sand from Kuwait Ended Up in Idaho
Hmmm where did all that radio-activity come from I wonder?

Growers warned over bee decline
This is happening in the US and Europe. The jury is out on whether the cause is new pesticides, GM crop introductions or something else. Either way No bees = no food = no humans

Plastic Islands in the Sea
This is real environmental devastation on a global scale. And yet it is drowned out in the mainstream media by the CO2 "debate". Have you ever asked yourself why?

Greenland: land of ice goes green as warming turns the cabbages into kings
Ask yourself why is Greenland so named? Anything to do with the distinct lack of ice and warmer climate there 10 centuries when the first Viking settlers arrived. But if that is the case then there must have been global warming (and cooling) before which means.........

Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season officially over; ice up over 9% from last year
No matter how much spin they put in the press release the fact of increasing ice (as opposed to an "ice free arctic" as predicted last year) this is a rather inconvenient truth. If they keep getting results like this those precious research funds might start drying up. Now that would never do.

Civil Liberties:
All frontline police officers are to be given access to 50,000-volt stun guns
These are not, I repeat, not, non-lethal weapons, and yet they are being given out like candy to police worldwide

Inquiry into taser death at airport delayed

Council uses anti-terror rules to spy on man with noisy wardrobe

Creation of an army of tinpot town hall dictators with Big Brother-style powers

Police lose memory stick with top secret 'terrorist' information
Ooops. Now if we had everyone micro-chipped it would be so much more convenient would it?

Drivers could have speed limited by satellite devices
Freedom of movement?

Internet is fostering disinformation, says web's creator
Actually if you read the article he doesn't actually say that, but a great piece of corporate media spin is the result. Most interesting is the comments page where the vast majority of respondents have yet to be conditioned into accepting the single most important human right they have - the right to free speech and free expression of their views.

Asthma alert on giving paracetamol to infants,25197,24373844-23289,00.html
I remember watching a TV debate show about 20 years ago and a member of the audience suggested this as a cause of asthma and he was ridiculed by the "experts" for such heresy. The question now is how long have the pharmaceutical companies known about the possible link and still gone on peddling their drugs to children? At the end of the day the link is statistically stronger than passive smoking causing lung cancer. All in all pretty damming.

Pregnancy supplements may trigger asthma in kids
And another possible trigger, however its coincidental timing may be a counter punch by the pharmaceutical industry which is desperately trying to stamp out the alternative medicine market that it can't operate commercially in (no patents for vitamins - yet)

Schoolchildren could be given 'smart drugs' in a bid to boost brainpower
In light of the last two articles do you really think that is a good idea? (unless you won shares in Glaxo obviously). Huxley wasn't too far off when writing "A Brave New World" over 60 years ago was he?

Food Makers Scrimp on Ingredients In an Effort to Fatten Their Profits
Surely no corporation would ever imperil the health of it's consumers for sake of a quick buck?

Food companies reject clones over consumer fears
A small victory however food corporations have been known to tell fibs on occasion too (see last week's edition)

Dye cast in UK, but additive not banned here Is it not of concern that food additives that are banned for health reasons in some countries are happily peddled by the same food manufacturers in others?

Genetically Engineered Merck Cancer Vaccine Made Mandatory For Immigrants

Farmers back GM animals study Another press release piece of "journalism" on behalf of the shareholders of the Monsanto Corporation.

Now schools introduce a sex guide for your six-year-olds
The sexualisation of children by the state

Royal Society professor resigns over creationism needed in science education comments

Vatican: Darwin was right but we aren't going to apologise
A small victory for reason over dogma

The War on Terror:
Gates: U.S. to send more troops to Afghanistan
Did Alexander the Great succeed in Afghanistan? Or the Mongols? Or the Victorian British? Or the Soviet Union? Do you really think that NATO will succeed where all those have failed before? And all for an oil pipeline and control of the world's opium production.

Deadly U.S. airstrike sparks protests in Iraq
More collateral damage bringing democracy to Iraq. Can't imagine why the Iraqi people aren't embracing it.

The Next War:
Bush's Overseas Policies Begin Resembling Obama's
That is because they, and John McCain, represent exactly the same vested interest groups as each other.

Six powers committed to exploring more sanctions against Iran: US
Do you ever get a sense of déjà vu looking back to Iraq 2002/2003?

Russia snubs US with arms sales to Iran,25197,24370391-26397,00.html
The real cause of the new diplomatic cold war?

Israel's Livni now in battle for premiership
I'm afraid a woman becoming Israeli PM won't stop the march to war.

Democracy & International Diplomacy:
Boost Africa aid by $700m, UN says
Which is more worthwhile morally and ethically? Increasing aid to the poorest countries of the world for $700m so that millions don't starve to death, or bailing out the world's banks from the mess that they created for $1 trillion? And which is more likely to happen?

IMF approves loan to help Georgia
Pay-off for starting the unwinnable war against Russia? IMF loan, NATO membership and $1billion from the US. That will do nicely.

NATO denies provoking Russia-Georgia conflict
Yeah sure you didn't.

Rice admits that Georgia started war with Russia
The crucial bit is 1/2 way down "Ms Rice acknowledged that Georgia had fired the first shots in the breakaway region of South Ossetia"

The EU, a Future USSR?
What would a former Soviet Union dissident who spent years in labour camps know about such things?

The State of things to come in the EU

Arithmetic, Population, and Energy
A university lecture given by Dr. Bartlett, professor emeritus, department of physics, University of Colorado at Boulder, on why the numbers aren't adding up too well for our civilisation.

Apocalypse Now?: New world order could have devastating implications for Western nations

Finance & Economics:
China paper urges new currency order after "financial tsunami

The Crash of Western Capitalist Civilization?

China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales
This article was written 6 weeks before the US Government announced it was about to pump an extra trillion dollars into the world economy (from where??) The Chinese leaders are very well versed in Sun Tzu and are playing the long game for world supremacy - and doing it very effectively too.

McCain: Wall Street woes point to regulation reform
We believe you when you say that you want to increase regulatory controls over your ultimate bosses. Sure you will.

Chancellor Says U.K. Did `Everything' Possible on Lloyds-HBOS Deal
Another bank gets a sweet deal, buying assets on the cheap, with anti-monopoly legislation brushed aside, and all underwritten by taxpayers. It's a tough life to be banker isn't it?

Science & Technology:
Invention: Oil-sands digester
Just when you thought the end was nigh for man's love affair black gold.

Quote of the Week:

"Ideology functions as a machine to destroy information, even at the price of making assertions in clear contradiction of the evidence."
- Jean-Francois Revel (1924 - 2006)
"man made" climate change perhaps?

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